*One of the main reasons this app has gained so much popularity is due to the fact that it is compatible with iOS and Android Mobile devices. That means you can stream live television wherever you are!

To download the Gse Smart iptv application, enter the application download store of the device you are using. (Play store or app store)

Step 1 = Download and open the application.

Step 2 = You will see a '' + '' sign on the screen


Step 3 = Click "Add m3u url" as shown in the picture below.


Step 4 = It will ask you any name and m3u url on the screen. Write "Fox" on the first line. Paste the m3u plus link sent to you in the second line. Then click the save in the bottom right


Your channel installation process is complete. The next step will be to open the channels. At the bottom of the screen, you will see an option named "Fox". You can start the download of channels by clicking here.


After the channels are loaded, you will be able to access all channels. Uploading may take some time because of the large number of channels. We can unsubscribe channels you do not want by notifying us.